Who Will Appear Before the City?

Twenty divinatory texts from Ancient Assyria, assembled for the purposes of a commentary on the logic and purposes of ancient divination, and the parallels with the installation of divine images in Mesopotamia.  All of these texts are drawn from The State Archives of Assyria, vol 4 (Queries to the Sun God), by Ivan Starr. 

The texts, where we have them near complete, are generally in two parts. The first specifies the query, with a precision that some readers may find startling. The inquirers wanted clarity in the responses, not a vague intimation of the future. The second describes the reading of the condition of the liver, entrails and whatever other organs were inspected by the haruspex (diviner), but rarely gives an interpretation of the reading. This absence of interpretation of the inspection changes around the time of the reign of Ashurbanipal, as does the standard text in which the inquiries were couched. 

The text for 'Who Will Appear Before the City' is in preparation, and is likely to appear in 2019. 


1.      A princess in marriage to the King of the Scythians

SAA 04 020. Giving a Princess in Marriage to Bartatua, King of the Scythians (PRT 016) [military and political]
CDLI P236956
K 11489+
PRT 016

 (1) Šamaš, great lord, give me a firm positive answer to what I am asking you!   
 (2) Bartatua, king of the Scythians, who has now sent his messengers to Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, concerning a royal daughter in marriage —
 (4) if Esarhaddon, king of [Assyria], gives him a royal daughter in marriage, will Bartatua, king of the Scythians, speak with [Esarhaddon, king of Assyria], in good faith, true and honest words of peace?
 (8) Will he keep the treaty of [Esarhaddon, king of Assyria]? Will he do [whatever i]s pleasing to Esarhaddon, king of Assyria?
(10) Is it decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, [by the command of your great divinity], Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, s[ee it? Will he who can hear], hear it?
 (12) Disregard the (formulation) of [today's case, be it go]od, be it faulty.
 (13) Disregard that [an unclean man or woman has come near] the place of the extispicy and made it unclean.
 (14) Disregard that [the ram (offered) to your divinity for the performance of the extispicy is defic]ient or faulty.
 (r 1) Disregard that he who touches the fo[rehead of the sheep is dr]essed [in his ordinary soiled garments], (or) has ea[ten, drunk, or anointed himself] with anything unclean, [(or) has alt]ered or changed [the proceedings].
 (r 3) Disregard that [the oracle query has become jumb]led in the mouth of the [haruspex, your servant].
Let them be taken out and [put aside]!
 (r 4) [I ask you, Šamaš, great lor]d, whether, should Esarhaddo[n, king of Assyria gi]ve [a royal daughter] in marriage [to B]artatua, king of the Scythians, Bartatua will guard and keep the treaty of Esarh[addon, king of Assyria],
 (r 8) (and whether) he will in good faith speak hon[est] words [of peace] with Esarhaddon king of Assyria, and do whatever is pleasing [to Esa]rhaddon, king of Assyria.
 (r 10) Be present in [thi]s ram, place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may I see (them).
 (r 13) May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šamaš, great lord, and may an [or]acle be given as an answer.
 (r 14) The middle of the 'station' is effaced. The 'path' has a bifurcation on the right and on the left. The 'strength' is present. The 'well-being' is [present] on the right and on the left. In the left of the gall bladder there is a fissure, it is 'bound' to a 'foot'-mark and faces the back.
 (r 15) The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder is present. The 'base of the throne' is present. The top of the right surface of the 'finger' is split below. In the middle surface of the 'finger' a piece of flesh is twisted.
 (r 16) The 'weapon'-mark of the 'increment' rises toward the left. The upper part is elevated. The base of the middle part is 'loose.' The breast-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are 16 in number.
 (r 17) First extispicy.
 (r 18) The 'station' is present. The 'path' is present. The 'strength' is present. The 'well-being' is present. The 'base of the throne' is present. In the base of the middle surface of the 'finger' there is a 'foot'-mark.
 (r 19) The upper part is elevated. The 'ear' is present. The base of the middle part is 'loose.' The bre[ast-bone is th]ick.
 (r 20) The coils of the colon are 14 in number. The heart of the ram is normal. Second extispicy.

2.      Will the Siege be Successful?

SAA 04 101. Should NN be Sent to Lay Siege to and Conquer the City ...? (PRT 011) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04
CDLI P237358
PRT 011

(Beginning destroyed)
(2) [Should Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, send NN with me]n, ho[rses, and an army, as (great as) he wishes, ......]?
(4) [If he sends him, should he with men, horses, and an army, (as great) a]s he wis[hes, go to take the city ..., and will he, be it] through friendly words [...... or] by means of ramps, [or by means of battering-rams, or by ladder]s, [conquer that city, ...]? Will it be delivered to him?
(9) [Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it? Does your great divinity] know it?
(r 1) [Disregard that a clean or an unclean person has touched the sacrificial sheep], or blocked [the way of the sacrifi]cial sheep.
(r 2) [Disregard that an unclean man or woman has come near the place of the extispicy and ma]de it unclean.
(r 3) [Disregard that an unclean person has perform]ed [extispicy in this place].
(r 4) [Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity for the performance of the extispicy] is deficient or faulty.
(r 5) [Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep] is dressed in his [ordin]ary soiled garments, [has eaten, drunk, or anointed himself with anything unclean, (or) has al]tered or changed [the proceedings].
(r 6) [Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, am dressed in] my [ordinary] soiled garments.
(Rest destroyed)

3.      Will the Written Plan Succeed?

SAA 04 129. Should Esarhaddon Carry out a Written Plan? (AGS 098) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P238965
K 11477
AGS 098

(1) [Šamaš, great lord], give me a firm [positive answer to what I am asking you]!
(2) [Whatever Esarhaddon, king of Assyria], w[rot]e on [this] tablet and placed [before] your [great divini]ty —
(4) should he act accor[ding to] this document?
(5) Is it pleasing to your great divinity? Is it acceptable to your great divinity? Is it decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, by the command of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it?
(10) Disreg[ard the (formulation) of] today's [case], be it good, be it faulty.
(11) Disreg[ard that a clean or an unclean person] has touched [the sacri]ficial sheep, or blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep.
(12) Disregard [that an unclean man or wo]man has come near the place of the extispicy and made it unclean.
(13) [Dis]regard that [an unc]lean person has performed extispicy [in this place].
(14) Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity [for] the performance of the extispicy is deficient or faulty.
(b.e. 15) [Performed in] the Review Palace.
(r 1) Disregard that he who touches the fore[head of the sheep] is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments, has eaten, drunk, or anointed himself with any[thing unc]lean, (or) has altered or changed the proceedings.
(r 3) Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, am [dressed in my] ordi[nary soiled] garments, have seen fear and terror at night, or jumbled the oracle query in my [mouth].
[Let them] be taken out and put aside!
(r 5) I ask [you, Šam]aš, great lord, [whether what]ever Esarhaddon, king of Assy[ria], wrote [on this pa]pyrus and pla[ced] before [your great di]vinity, [he should do according to] this document,
(r 9) [(whether) it is pleas]ing to your great divinity, (whether) [it is accepta]ble to yo[ur gre]at [divin]ity.
(e. 1) Marduk-šumu-uṣur, N[aṣiru],
(e. 2) Bel-ušallim, Aqaraya, [NN],
(e. 3) Be[l-iq]iša, [NN],
(e. 4) [...]...[...]

4.      Escorting Marduk to Babylon

SAA 04 262. Should Šamaš-šumu-ukin Escort the Statue of Marduk to Babylon? (AGS 149) [cultic] [via SAAO/SAA04]

CDLI P238966
K 11478
AGS 149

(1) [Šamaš, great lord, give m]e a firm [positive answ]er [to what I am asking you]!
(2) [Should Šamaš-šumu-ukin, son of Esarhad]don, king of [Assyria, within this year] seize the [han]d of the great lord [Marduk i]n the Inner City, and should he lead [Bel] to Babylon? Is it pleasing to your [great] divinity and to the great lord, Marduk?
(7) Is it acceptable to your great divinity and to the great lord Marduk? Does your great divinity know it? [Is it decreed] and confirmed [in] a favorable case, by the command of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it?
(11) [Disregard the (formulation) of today's case], be it good, be it faulty, (and that) the day is overcast and it is raining.
(12) [Disregard that a clean or an un]clean person has touched the sacrificial sheep, or blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep.
(13) [Disregard that an unclean man or] woman has come near the place of the extispicy and made it unclean.
(r 1) [Disregard that the ram] (offered) to your great divinity for the performance of the extispicy is deficient or faulty.
(r 2) [Disregard that he who] touches the forehead of the sheep is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments, [has eaten], drunk, or anointed himself with [anything] unclean, [(or) has] altered or changed the (ritual) proceedings.
(r 4) Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, am dressed in my ordinary soiled garments, or (that) the oracle query has become jumbled in my mouth.
Let them be taken out and put aside!
(r 6) I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, whether Šamaš-šumu-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, should within this year seize the hand of the great lord, [Marduk, i]n the Inner City, and lead Bel (to Babylon),
(r 9) (whether) it is pleasing to the great lord, Marduk, (whether) it is acceptable to the great lord, Marduk.
(r 10) [Be] present in this ram, place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may [I see (them)].
(r 14) May (this query) go [to] your great [divinity], O Šamaš, great lord, and [may an oracle be given as an answer].
(r 15) [Month] Nisan (I), 23rd day, eponym year of Mari-larim (668). In the [Succession] Palace.

5.      Should Marduk travel to Babylon by Boat?

SAA 04 264. Should the Statue of Marduk be Loaded onto a Boat? (AGS 104) [cultic] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P336083
AGS 104

(1) [Šamaš, great lord, giv]e [me a] firm [positive answer to what I am asking you]!
(2) [On the ... of month Iyyar (II) of] the [c]om[ing year...], [should they load the statue of the great lord Marduk] on the boat [in the Inner Ci]ty, and should he g[o to B]abylon [...]?
(5) Is it pleasing [to your great divinity and to the great lord], Marduk? [Is it acceptable to your great divinity and to the great lord, M]arduk?
(7) [Does your great divinity know] it? [Is the going of the statue of the great lord Marduk] to Babylon [decreed and confirm]ed [in a favorable case, by the command] of your great divinity, [Šamaš, great lord]? Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it?
(11) [Disregard the (formulation) of today's case, be it good], be it faulty, (and that) the day is overcast and it is raining.
(12) [Disregard that a clean or an unclean person has touched the sacrificial sheep, o]r blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep.
(13) [Disregard that an unclean man or woman has come near the place of th]e extispicy and made it unclean.
(14) [Disregard that an unclean person] has performed extispicy [in this place].
(15) [Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity for the performance of the ext]ispicy is deficient or faulty.
(r 1) [Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep] is dressed in his ordinary soiled [garments, has eaten, drunk, or anointed himself with] anything unclean, (or) [has alt]ered or changed [the proceedings].
(r 2) [Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant], (am dressed in) my ordinary soiled [garments, have seen] fear [and terror] at night, [or] jumbled [the oracle query] in my mouth.
[Let them be taken out and put aside]!
(r 5) I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, [whether on the ...th day of Iyyar (II) of the] coming [ye]ar [the statue of the great lord Marduk should be loaded on a boat] in the Inner City and go [to B]abylon,
(r 9) [(whether) it is acceptable to the great lord, Marduk], (whether) it is pl[eas]ing to the great lord, Marduk.
(r 10) [Be present in this ram, place] (in it) a firm positive answer, [favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of] your [great] divinity, [and may I see (them)].
(r 13) [May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šamaš, great lord, and] may [an orac]le [be given as an answer].

6.      Will Karibtu be Conquered?

SAA 04 044. Will Kaštaritu Conquer Karibtu? (PRT 001) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P237711
K 11495+
PRT 001

(1) Šamaš, great lord, [give me a firm positive answer to what I am] ask[ing you]!
(2) Should Esarhaddon, k[ing of Assyria], stri[ve and plan, and add to] the troops in the city [Ka]ribtu, which is [located on the border of ...], so that they can keep watch against the enemy?
(4) From this [day, the ...th day of this month, the month Iyyar (II), to the ...th day] of the month Sivan (III) of this year, for 40 days and nights, [the term stipulated for the performance of (this) extispicy — within this stipulated term],
(6) will Kaštaritu with his troops, or the troop[s of the Cimmerians, or the troops of the Manneans], or the troops of the Medes, or any other enemy, [strive and plan]?
(8) Will they, be it by means of war, or pres[sure, or by force, or] by means of fami[ne], or a breach, (or) ladders [or ramps], or battering rams, or through friendliness and peaceful [negotiations], or through any ruse of capturing a city,
(11) [capture the city Karibtu], enter that city, Karibtu, and conquer [that city, Karibtu]? Will it be delivered to [them]? Does your great di[vinity] know it?
(14) Is the cap[ture of that city, Karibtu, by] an[y enemy], from this day [to the day of my stipulated term, decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, by the command] of your great divini[ty, Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(17) [Disregard what] happens after [my stipulated term].
(18) [Disregard that they (may) plun]der in the country [and inflict a defeat].
(19) [Disregard that they] (may) thi[nk about it, but turn back and go away].
(20) [Disregard the (formulation) of today's ca]se, [be it good, be it faulty].
(r 1) [I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, whether Esarhaddon king of Assyria], (should) add to [the troops in the city Karibtu ......, so that they can keep watch against the enemy,
(r 2) (and whether) from this day, the ... day] of this month, the month Iyyar (II), to [the ... day of Sivan (III) of this year],
(r 4) Kaštaritu, with [his troops, or the troops of the Cimmerians] or the troops of the Medes or [the troops of the Manneans, or any enemy will enter] that city, Ka[ribtu], conquer [that city, Karibtu, (and whether) it will be delivered to them].
(r 7) Be present [in this ram, place] (in it) a firm positive answer, [favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens] by the oracular command of your great divinity, [and may I see (them)].
(r 10) [May (this query) go] to your great divinity, [O Šamaš, great lord, and may an oracle be given as an answer].
(r 11) The top of the 'station' is split. The 'paths' are 2, the upp[er one ...].
(r 12) The lower part is (elevated). The 'ea[r' is present ......].
(r 13) The 'station,' 'path' and 'well-being' are present. A fissure [......].
(r 14) The middle of the middle surface of the 'finger' [......].
(e. 1) The breast-bone li[es on its back] right and left, and in the mid[dle ...].
(e. 2) The vertebrae are recessed. [The coils of the colon] are double on the [le]ft, and [......].
(e. 3) Naṣiru and [Marduk-šumu-uṣur (date destroyed)].

7.      Who will Appear before the City?

SAA 04 045. Will Dusanni of Saparda or Kaštaritu Appear before the City ...? (PRT 004) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P236960
Sm 2002+
PRT 004

(1) [Šamaš, great lord, giv]e [me] a firm positive answer [to what I am asking you]!
(2) [From this day, the 3rd day of] this [month], Iyyar (II), [of] this [year, to the 2nd day of this month, Sivan (III), of] this [yea]r, 30 days [and nights], my [stip]ulated term —
(4) [within this stipulated term, will either] Dusanni, the Sa[pardean, or] Kaštaritu, [city lord of Karkaššî, with either an ar]my of the C[immerian]s, or of the Manneans, [or of the Medes, ......]?
(7) [......] Will they appear [before that city]?
(8) [...... Does your great divinity] know it? [Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(9) [Disregard what happens after] my stipulated term.
(10) [Disregard what they speak with (their) mouths, or what] they think.
(11) [Disregard the (formulation) of today's case, be it good, be it faulty, (and that) a clean or an uncle]an person has touched the sacrificial sheep.
(12) [Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity for the performance of the extispicy is defi]cient or faulty.
(13) [Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments], (or) has touched the (libation) beer, the maṣhatu-flour, the water, the container, or the fire.
(14) [Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant], am dres[sed in my ordinary soiled garments], have eaten, drunk, or touched anything unclean, [(or) changed or altered the proceedings, (or that) the oracle query has become jumbl]ed [in my mouth].
Let them be taken out and put aside!
(r 1) [I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, whether from this day, the 3rd day of this] month, Iyyar (II), [to the 2nd day of the month Sivan (III)] of this [year, 30 days and nights, my stipulated term],
(r 3) [Dusa]nni, the Sapardean, [or Kaštaritu the city lord, with] a powerful [arm]y [either of the Cimmerians], or [of] the Medes, [or of the Manneans, will ...] appear [before] that city.
(r 7) [Be present in this ram], place (in it) [a firm positive answer], and may I see (it).
(r 8) [......] The heart of the ram is normal. Fir[st ex]tispicy.
(r 9) [...... The gall] bladder is overturned and faces upward. The top of the right surface of the 'finger' is split.
(r 10) [......] The coils of the colon lie crosswise. The middle part, (11) i[ts base] is 'loose.' [...] a membra[ne ...] is hanging. The base of the middle surface of the 'finger' is split.
(r 12) [......]. Third extispicy.
(r 13) [Šumâ] and Bel-ušallim. Month Iyyar (II), 3rd day.
(r 14) May (this query) go [to your great divinity], O Šamaš, great lord, and may an oracle be given as an answer.

8.      Should We March into Media ?

SAA 04 065. Should the Magnates March Deep into Media to Collect Tribute? (PRT 022) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P237053
K 11498+
PRT 022

(Beginning destroyed)
(1) [... and should he send them to col]lect a trib[ute of horses]? Should they ta[ke the road and go to Sikr]iš, [to ......], to Kukkubâ, to the land Tu[aiadi, to ......, to the ci]ty UDpani, to the city Ramadani, and as far as the land Arrî? Will they collect [a tribute of h]orses?
(6) Will they (be able to) ma[rch about] for as many days [as they wish], will they, either going or returning, escape, be sa[ved, or] save themselves from [the troops of the Medes, or] from the troops of the Manneans, [from the troops of the Cimmerians, and from any other enemy]?
(9) [Will they stay alive and well, and return] alive with the tri[but]e of horses, and set foot on Assyrian soil? Will [Esarhaddon] hear good news? Will he be [delighted and h]appy?
(12) [Does your great divinity know it? Will he who can s]ee, see it? [Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(13) [Disregard that the subject of this query], Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, [......].
(14) [Disregard that ......]...
(15) [Disregard the (formulation) of (the prayer for) today's case], be it good, [be it faulty].
(16) [......] Month Adar (XII), 8th day, [eponym year of ...].
(r 1) [Disregard that an unclean man] or woman has come near [the place of the extispicy] and made [it unclean].
(r 2) [Disregard that an unc]lean person has performed extispicy [in this place].
(r 3) [Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity for the performa]nce of the extispicy is deficient or f[aulty].
(r 4) [Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep] is dressed in his [ordi]nary soiled garments, has eaten, [drunk, or anointed himself with] anything unclean, (or) has altered or changed [the (ritual) proceedi]ngs.
(r 6) [Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant], am dressed in my ordinary soiled garments, (and that) the oracle query has become jumbled in my mouth.
[Let them be taken out and put asi]de!
(r 7) I ask yo[u, Šamaš, great lor]d, [whether the men, hor]ses, (and) a[rmy of the magnates of the Bit-K]ari [and Saparda should go to the district of S]ikriš to collect a [tribute of horses],
(r 10) [(whether) they should go from S]ikriš [......] to Bit-Qu[......] (and) [......],
(r 12) (whether) they will march about for as long as a f[ull month, and (whether) they will, either in going or re]turning, [escape] from [the troops of the Medes, from the troops of the Manneans, from the troops of the Cimmerians, and from] any [other] enemy.
(Rest destroyed)

9.      Will Ša-Nabu-šu Break the Siege?

AA 04 078. Will Chief Eunuch Ša-Nabu-šu Break the Siege of Ṣiṣṣirtu? (BM 098988+) [military and political]
CDLI P237538
Ki 1904-10-9,069+
BM 098988+

(Beginning destroyed)
(r 1) [Disregard that the oracle] query has become ju[mbled in the mouth of the haruspex, your servant].
[Let them be taken out and put aside]!
(r 2) [I ask you, Š]amaš, gre[at] lord, [whether Esarhaddon, king of As]syria, should send Ša-[Nabû-š]û, the chief eunuch, with an a[rmy, (as great) as he wishes, aga]inst the enemy [tro]ops which have now set up camp against the city Ṣiṣṣir[tu, a fortress of] Harhar,
(r 6) [(and whether) these will, be it by ..., or in] their fear, or by their own deliberations, abandon [that city Ṣiṣṣi]rtu [...] and go elsewhere.
(r 9) Be present [in this ram], place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, [favorable, propitious] omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may I see (them).
(r 10) May (this query) go [to your great divinity], O Šamaš, great lord, and may an oracle be given as an answer.
(r 12) [... The 'well]-being' is present. The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder is present. The top of the right lung is split. The top of the middle surface of the 'finger' [......].
(r 13) [...] The base of the middle part is 'loose.' The breast-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are 16 in number. The heart of the sheep is nor[mal].
(r 14) [...] There are 2 ['paths'], the lower one descending to the left. The 'well-being' is present. The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder [......]
(r 15) In the middle of the base of the 'finger' there is a 'weapon'-mark which faces downward; its rear is smashed. The upper part [......].
(r 16) [... in the ...] of the right there is a 'foot'-mark. The breast-bone is thick.
(r 17) [...] it faces the [...]. The rear of the [......].

10. Will there be a Rebellion Against the King?

SAA 04 139. Will There Be a Rebellion against Esarhaddon? (AGS 108) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P336086
K 11437
AGS 108

(1) [Šamaš, great lord, give me a firm positive answer] to what I am asking you!
(2) [From this day], the 6th day of this month, the month Ad[ar (XII), to the 5th day of the month Sivan (III) of the coming year], [for 90 day]s and nights, my stipulated term — [within this stipulated term],
(4) [will (any of) the] eunuchs and the bearded (officials), [the king's] entourage, [or senior members of the royal line, or] junior members of the royal line, or any relative of the king [whosoever],
(6) [or the prefect]s, or the recruitment officers and te[am] comma[nders, or the royal bo]dyguard, or (his) personal guard, or the king's chariot men, [or the keepers of the inner gates],
(8) [or the ke]epers of the outer gates, or the attendants of the mule stables, or the la[ckeys], [or the] cooks, confectioners (and) bakers, [the entire body of] craftsmen,
(10) [or the] Itu'eans, the Elamites, the mounted bowmen, [the Hittites and the Gurreans, o]r the Akkadians, Arameans, or Cimme[rians, o]r the Egyptians, or the Nubians, or the Qed[arites],
(13) or their brothers, or their sons, or [their nephews], or their friends, or [their] guests, [or their] accom[plices], be they eunuchs or bearded (officials), or [any] enemy [at all],
(16) whether by day or by night, or in the cit[y or in the country],
(17) whether while (he is) sitting on the royal throne, or in a chariot, or [in a rickshaw], or while walking, whether while going out or co[ming in],
(19) or while (he is) sitting on the ..., be it men [who are on a military assignment], or men who enter into and leave from tax-collection,
(20) or while he is eating o[r drinking], or girding or ungirding himself, or while enga[ged in washing himself],
(22) whether through deceit or guile or an[y ... whatsoever], make an uprising and rebellion against Esarhaddon, king of Assyria? [Will they act with evil intent against him]?
(24) Does your great divinity know it? Is the making of an uprising and rebellion against Esarhaddon, k[ing of Assyria], decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, by the command of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord? [Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(r 1) Disregard the (formulation) of today's case, be it good, [be it faulty].
(r 2) Disregard that a clean or an unclean person has touched the sacrificial sheep, or [blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep].
(r 3) Disregard that an unclean man or woman has [come near] the place of the extispicy [and made it unclean].
(r 4) Disregard that an unclean person [has performed extispicy] in this place.
(r 5) Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity for the perfor[mance of the extispicy is deficient or faulty].
(r 6) Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments, (or) [has eaten, drunk, or anointed himself with] anything [unclean].
(r 7) Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, have eaten, drunk, or [anointed myself with] anything unclean, or changed (or) altered the proceedings.
Let them be ta[ken out and put aside]!
(r 8) [I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, wh]ether from this day, the 6th day of this month, Adar (XII), to the [5th d]ay [of the month Sivan (III) of the coming year, they will make] an uprising and rebellion against Esarhaddon, [king of Assyria], (and whether) [they will act] in a hostile manner [against him], (and) ki[ll him].
(r 13) Be present in this ram, [place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs], favorable, propitious omens by the oracular [command of your great divinity, and may I see (them)].
(r 15) [May (this query) go to] your great [divinity], O Šamaš, great lord, [and may an oracle be given as an answer].
(r 16) [...] the 'path' is present. The 'strength' is absent. The left of the gall bladder is attached. [The middle sur]face of the ['finger' ...].
(r 17) [The base of the middle 'finger' of the lung] is 'bound.' The breast-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are turned on the right [......].
(r 18) [...] a flesh is torn. The 'increment' is normal. The upper part [is elevated].
(r 19) [...]. The coils of the colon are 12 in number.
(e. 1) Marduk-šumu-uṣur, Naṣiru, Tabnî,
(e. 2) Aqaraya, Marduk-šumu-ibni, Banî, [NN].
(e. 3) Month Adar (XII), 6th day, memorandum [......].

11. Should Ashurbanipal Frequent the Holy Places?

SAA 04 196. Should Prince Assurbanipal Frequent the Holy Places? (AGS 143) [medical]
CDLI P336111
K 11445
AGS 143

(Beginning destroyed)
(1) [Assurbanip]al, the crown prince o[f the Succession Palace, who for ma]ny [days], month after month, has day and night been moan[ing before your great divinity, O Šamaš, gr]eat [lord, and (whom) your great divinity knows] —
(4) [in accordance with the com]mand of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord, and [your favorable deci]sions, should the subject of this query, Assurbanipal, the crown prince of the [Succession Pal]ace,
(6) [b]e it for himself or for his father Esarhaddon, take [the hand of a god, or] the hand of a goddess, or the hand of their (personal) god, or the hand of [their] (personal) g[oddess, or the] hand of their city god, or the hand of their city goddess, [or the hand of] the god of their high sanctuaries,
(10) and frequent [the holy places of] his [gods, providing] them with votive gift(s) and the things requested by [gods and goddesses], (so that) [the wrath of god] and goddess [may not befall] Assurbanipal, the crown [prince of the Succession Pal]ace, and Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, his father?
(13) [Is it decreed and] confirmed [in a favorable case, by the command of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord]? Will he who can see, see it? [Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(14) [Disregard the (formulation) of today's case], be it good, be it [faulty].
(Rest destroyed)

12. Will the Queen Mother’s Illness Pass?

SAA 04 190. Will the Queen Mother’s Illness Pass? (AGS 101+) [medical] [via SAAO/SAA04]

CDLI P336081
Ki 1904-10-9,016+
AGS 101+

(1) Šamaš, great lord, give me a firm positive answer to what I am asking you!
(2) Niq'a, mother of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, who is now ill, and on whom the 'hand' of god Iqbi-damiq was placed in extispicy —
(4) will it pass by unto sacrificial sheep and oxen?
(5) If she is ill with this disease,
(6) is it decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, by the command of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it?
(9) Disregard the (formulation) of today's case, be it good, be it faulty.
(10) Disregard that a clean or an unclean person has touched the sacrificial sheep, or blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep.
(11) Disregard that an unclean man or woman has come near the place of the extispicy and made it unclean.
(r 1) Disregard that an unclean person has performed extispicy in this place.
(r 2) Disregard that the ram (offered) to your divinity for the performance of the extispicy is deficient or faulty.
(r 3) Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments, (or) has eaten, drunk, or anointed himself with anything unclean.
(r 5) Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, have eaten, drunk, or anointed myself with anything unclean, changed or altered the proceedings, or jumbled the oracle query in my mouth.
Let them be taken out and put aside!
(r 7) I ask you, Šamaš, great lord:
(r 8) Be present in this ram, place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may I see (them).
(r 10) May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šamaš, great lord, and may an oracle be given as an answer.

13. Appointing the Priest of Marduk

SAA 04 266. Should Assurbanipal Appoint NN as Priest of Marduk? (AGS 106) [appointment] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P336085
AGS 106

(1) [Šamaš, great lord, give me a firm positive answer to what] I am asking you!
(2) [Should Assurbanipal, son of Esar]haddon, ki[ng of Assyria, appoint the man whose name is written] in [this papyrus and placed before yo]ur great [divinity, to] the office of [high priest] in the sh[rine of Marduk ......]?
(r 1) [Disregard that he who touches the head of the sacrificial sheep ... has eaten, drunk], or anoint[ed himself with anything unclean, (or) has altered or changed the proceedings].
(r 2) [Disregard that the oracle query has become jumbled in the mouth] of the haruspex, your servant.
[Let them be taken out] and put aside!
(r 3) I as[k you, Šamaš, great lord],
(r 4) [whether the man whose name] is written in this papyrus [and placed before your great divinity, should be appointed] to the office of [high priest] in the shrine of Marduk,
(r 6) (whether) it is pleasing [to the great lord Marduk, and acceptable] to the great lord Marduk.
(r 6) [Be present in this ram], pl[ace (in it) a fir]m [positive answer], favorable designs, [favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of] your great [divinity, and may I see (them)].
(r 9) May (this query) go [to your great divinity], O Šamaš, great lord, [and may an oracle be given as an answer].
(r 10) [... is over]turned. The 'cap' of the lung is split. In[side ......]
(r 11) [...]. The coils of the colon are 16 in number. [......]

14. Will the Chief Eunuch Recover the Fortresses?

SAA 04 267. Will Chief Eunuch Recover Fortresses Lost to Manneans? (AGS 150) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P336114
K 01288
AGS 150

(1) Šamaš, great lord, give me a (firm) positive answer to what I am asking you!
(2) Should Nabû-šarru-uṣur, chief eunuch, and the men, horses, and army [of] Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, which are at [his disposal, go to recover the fort]resses of Assyria which the Manneans conq[uered?
(5) If he go]es, [will he], be it through friendliness and peaceful nego[tiations, or by waging war], or by [whatever tr]icks, [recover] these fortresses? [Does your great divinity know it]?
(8) Is it decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, by the command [of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord]? Will he who can see, [see it? Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(10) Disregard the (formulation) of today's case, [be it good or faulty].
(11) Disregard that a clean or an unclean person [has touched the sacrificial sheep, or blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep].
(12) Disregard that an unclean man [or woman has come near the place of the extispicy and made it unclean].
(13) Disregard that [an unclean person has performed extispicy] in this place.
(14) Disregard that the ram (offered) to your great divinity [for the performance of the extispicy is deficient or faulty].
(r 1) Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments, (or) has eaten, drunk, anointed himself with, touched, or stepped upon anything unclean.
(r 3) Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, am dressed in my ordinary soiled garments, have seen fear and terror (at night), have changed or altered the proceedings, or jumbled the oracle query in my mouth.
Let them be taken out and put aside!
(r 7) I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, whether Nabû-šarru-uṣur, chief eunuch, and the men, horses, and army of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria at his disposal, should go to recover the Assyrian fortresses which the Manneans conquered,
(r 10) and whether he, be it by waging war, or through friendliness and peaceful negotiations, or by whatever tricks, will recover those fortresses.
(r 12) Be present in this ram, place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may I see (them).
(r 14) May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šamaš, great lord, and may an oracle be given as an answer.

15. Should Nabu-šarru-uṣur Plunder Gambulu?

SAA 04 271. Should Nabu-šarru-uṣur be Sent to Plunder Gambulu? (AGS 153) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P336116
K 11446
AGS 153

(1) Šamaš, great lord, [give me] a firm positive answer to what I am asking you!
(2) Should Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, strive and plan? Should he [send] Na[bû-šarru-uṣur, chief eunuch, with] men, horses, and [troop]s, as he [wishes], to the district of Gam[bulu? Should they go] to kill, lo[ot, and plunder]?
(5) If he, having planned, sends (them), [and they kill what there is to kill, loo]t what there is to loot, and [plunde]r what there is to plunder [in] the district of [Gambulu], will the men, ho[rses] (and) ar[my of Gambulu do] battle [with Nabû-šarru-uṣur, chief eunuch, and] the ar[my of] Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, that went with him,
(9) [or] will the men and large army [of the Elamites ... with] Nabû-šarru-uṣur, chief eunuch, to [...]?
(11) [Is it decreed and confirm]ed [in a favorable case, b]y the command of your great divinity, [Šamaš, great lord]? Will he who can see, [see it? Will he who can hear, hear it]?
(r 1) [Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, am dressed in] my [ordin]ary [soiled garments, have eaten, drunk, or anointed myself with anything unclean, seen] fear [and terror at ni]ght, [changed or altered the proceedings, or] ju[mbled the oracle query in] my [mouth].
[Let them be taken out and put aside]!
(r 4) [I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, whe]ther Assurbanipal, ki[ng of Assyria, should send men, horses, and t]roops to the distri[ct of Gambulu to kill, loot, and plunder, (whether), if they go], they will kill what there is to ki[ll], loot (what there is to loot), and plu[nder what there is to plunder],
(r 7) and (whether) the men and large army of [the Elamites will ... with Nabû-šarru-uṣur], chief eunuch, and the army at his disposal, [or (whether) the troops] of Gambulu [will] do battle with him.
(r 10) Be present in this ram, [place] (in it) a firm positive answer, [favorable designs], favorable, propitious omens [by] the oracular command of your [great] divinity, [and may I see (them)].
(r 12) May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šam[aš, gr]eat [lord], and [may an oracle be given as an answer].
(e. 1) [Month ..., ...th day, eponym year of] Ša-Nabû-šû (658).

16. Will Šamaš-šumu-ukin Flee Babylon?

SAA 04 290. Will Šamaš-šumu-ukin Flee Babylon if Assyrians Take Sippar? (PRT 139) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P336367
K 03979
PRT 139

(1) (Beginning destroyed)
(8) The 'p[ath' ......].
(9) The place of the 'finger' [...] from inside the 'base of the thro[ne'] is drawn towards the 'finger,' and the 'cap' [......].
(11) The floating ribs of the left are two. [There are] 3 unf[avorable] features.
(12) The 'station' is present. The 'path' has a bifurcation toward the right narrow part.
(13) The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder has fissures like a snake.
(14) The 'base of the throne' [...] and faces downward. The 'finger' [...].
(15) [...] there is an atrophied part. Unfavorable.
(16) [......]. The base of the middle 'finger' of the lung is 'loose.'
(17) The breast-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are 14 in number. Check-up.
(18) The 'path' has a bifurcation toward the right narrow part. The 'well-[being' is des]troyed.
(19) The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder has fissures like a snake.
(20) There are 3 unfavorable features.
(21) The day that the men and army of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, enter Sippar, and Šamaš-šumu-ukin hears of it, will he flee Babylon to wherever he intends? Indecisive.
(25) The middle of the 'station' is effaced. The 'path' is curled. The 'strength' is present.
(26) There is a hole in the right of [...]. The 'well-being' is destroyed.
(27) The 'finger' is low. The 'base of the throne' is present. In the top of the left surface of the 'finger' there is a 'weapon'-mark, and it faces the [to]p of the 'finger.' The 'weapon'-mark of the 'increment' rises to the left of the 'increment.'
(r 4) [In the top of the left surface of the 'finger'] there is a 'weapon'-mark, and it faces the top of the ['finger'].
(r 5) The breast-bone is blunted. There are 7 unfavorable features.
(r 6) Should Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, appoint the man whose name is written in this tablet and placed before your great divinity, over the troops of Bit-Amukani?
(r 10) If he appoints him, will he make common cause with Šamaš-šumu-ukin, or with Na[bû-bel-šim]ate, or with the king of [Elam]?
(Rest destroyed)

17. Is Šamaš-šumu-ukin Fleeing to Elam?

SAA 04 282. Is Šamaš-šumu-ukin Fleeing to Elam? (PRT 109) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]

CDLI P237755
K 00004
PRT 109

(1) [The base of the 'station'] is protruding pointedly. The 'path' is present.
(2) [...] is present. The left of the gall bladder is attached.
(3) [If in the t]op of the left surface of the 'finger' there is a 'weapon'-mark which faces the [top] of the 'finger': the enemy's [ons]laught will be successful.
(5) [If] there is a 'weapon'-mark [abo]ve the 'increment' which rises from right [to l]eft: my army will take the enemy's booty.
(7) If the 'mass' rides upon the left of the gall bladder: the mass of the enemy's army (will march) against my country.
(8) The upper part is elevated.
(9) The 'outside' rides upon the 'cap.'
(10) In the left side of the lung there is a 'foot'-mark. The top of the breast-bone is split.
(11) The coils of the colon are 14 in number. The heart of the ram is normal.
(12) The base of the 'station' is protruding pointedly. In the top of the left surface of the 'finger' there is a 'weapon'-mark which faces the top of the 'finger.'
(14) The 'mass' rides upon the left side of the gall bladder.
(15) There is a 'foot'-mark in the left side of the lung. The top of the breast-bone is split.
(16) There is a hole in the wide part of the left side of the 'finger' at the side of the middle surface of the 'finger.'
(17) There are 5 unfavorable features in the extispicy.
(18) [Šamaš]-šumu-ukin, unfaithful brother, who stirred up [the country] and caused a major uprising, [...]... not good —
(r 3) now Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, a king created by you, who is attentive to your gentle breath and whose eyes are set on your personal protection, has heard:
(r 7) "Šamaš-šumu-ukin is fleeing to Elam." Is the rumor true? Is he indeed fleeing to Elam?
(r 10) 5(!) unfavorable features in the extispicy. It is unfavorable.
(r 11) Month Tishri (VII), 15th day, eponym year of Sagab (651).
(r 12) Dari-šarru (and) Dannaya, reporters.
(r 13) May the great gods, lords of decision, send their favorable decision daily to the king, my lord.

18. Will Šamaš-šumu-ukin Fall into Assyrian Hands?

SAA 04 283. Will Šamaš-šumu-ukin Fall into the Hands of Assyrian Troops? (PRT 107) [military and political] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P238265
K 03161
PRT 107

(1) [...] the 'path' reaches its 'seats.'
(2) [... The 'streng]th' (and) 'well-being' are present. The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder [is long] and reaches the place of the 'base of the throne.'
(4) [... 'finge]r' is raised [...].
(one line broken)
(6) The left [......].
(7) There is a design in the middle surface of the 'finger' which penetrates from right to left.
(9) [... is n]ormal. The upper part is elevated.
(10) The base of [the midd]le ['finger' of the lung] is 'bound.'
(11) [The breas]t-bone is thick.
(12) [The coils of the colon are ... and are ...] in number.
(r 1) [From] the 16th [da]y of this month, Marchesvan (VIII), of this year,
(r 3) if the men and army of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, march against Šamaš-šumu-ukin, will he fall into their hands? Favorable.
(e. 1) [Month] Marchesvan (VIII), 16th day, eponym year of Sag[ab] (651).
(e. 2) [Dann]aya (and) Aššur-da''[in-šarru, rep]or[ters. ......]
(e. 4) Performed [in the] Succession [Palace].

19. Appointing the Priest of Sin

SAA 04 308. Should NN be Appointed as Priest of Sin? (K 08680) [appointment] [via SAAO/SAA04]
CDLI P238757
K 08680
K 08680
(Beginning destroyed)
(1) [...] is overturned [...].
(2) [The 'well-being'] is inundated. The 'path' on the right of the gall bladder is raised, lies in the cystic duct, and is inundated.
(5) The top of the 'finger' is atrophied.
(6) In the wide part of the left side of the 'finger' there is a cross-shaped marking.
(7) The left side of the 'increment' is split. [The up]per part is elevated.
(8) The 'outside' rides upon the 'cap,' and its 'doorjamb' is split.
(10) If there is a cross-shaped marking in the right side of the lung, there will be confusion in the land.
(11) The 'cavity' of the lung is split on the left.
(12) The base of the middle 'finger' of the lung is 'loose.'
(13) [The br]east-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are 10 in number.
(r 2) There are [x] unfavorable omens.
(r 3) Of Marduk-šumu-uṣur, concerning the priest of Sin.
(r 5) As Dannaya checked his exta with him, they added two unfavorable omens.

20.  Should Bani be Appointed as Priest of Anu?

SAA 04 306. Should Bani be Appointed as Priest of Anu? (PRT 122) [appointment]
CDLI P336363
K 01523+
PRT 122

@translation labeled en project

(1) The 'station' is curled [...],
 (2) its place [...].
 (3) The 'path' is curled. The 'strength' is absent.
 (4) If the right side of the 'increment' is split: the owner of the
    sacrificial sheep will lose [his] posses[sions].
 (6) The top of the right surface of the 'finger' is split (and) is
    held by a filament.
 (7) If the back of the lung is split: retreat of [my] ar[my]. The
    enemy will see the back of my army.
 (9) The base of the middle 'finger' of the lung is 'bound.'
 (10) The breast-bone is lying on its back right and left.
 (11) If the coils of the colon are damp: disease. Downfall of the
 (12) If the right rib is trimmed: the prince's land will diminish.

$ ruling

(14) The right side of the 'increment' is split. The back of the
    lung is split on the right.
 (15) The coils of the colon are damp. The right rib is trimmed.
 (16) There are 4 unfavorable omens.
 (17) Should Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, appoint the man whose
    name is written in this oblong tablet and placed before your great
    divinity, to the priesthood of Anu in the Inner City?

(r 5) If he appoints him, is it pleasing to your great divinity? Is it
    acceptable to your great divinity? Is it pleasing to the great lord,
    Anu? Is it acceptable to the great lord, Anu?
 (r 9) Unfavorable.

$ ruling

 (r 10) Performed by Marduk-šumu-uṣur, concerning (the appointment of)
    Banî to the priesthood of Anu.

$ ruling

 (r 12) It is entirely unfavorable.
 (r 13) From where else are there indecisive omens?

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